ATASC-SD New Year Celebration (Dec 10, 2016)


Let’s celebrate the coming new year with Live Music by Cali Turca and Folk Dance performance by Group Anatolia in our traditional new year celebration party on 10th of December at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Hotel Circle San Diego.

Location: Crown Plaza Hotel Circle
Address: 2270 Hotel Cir N, San Diego, California, 92110
Date & Time: Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM (PST)
Tickets: available from Eventbrite

  • Tickets: $65 for members, $85 for non-members ($5 additional for front-row tickets)
  • Food and drinks on the table are free, pay for the drinks at the bar
  • Childcare: $25
    • Professional Childcare with lots of entertainment in a separate room
    • Toddlers upto 12 years old
    • Between 7 and 12pm

Please choose your seats using the seat map when you buy your tickets. Alternatively you can send an email to to let us know with whom you want to sit on your table once you purchased your tickets.

You can become a new member or renew your membership at

You can also be a sponsor to this event. We have two level sponsorship packages that provide full advertisement options during the extent of the event held by the organization:

Platinum Package ($1,000):

  • Advertisement on our Facebook event announcement.
  • Your company logo on our Website event announcement.
  • Opportunity to hang your banner in the event venue during the event.
  • Your company logo will be added to our introductory video and will be playing in the background during the event.
  • You will also have the opportunity to setup a table in the entrance of the event venue.
  • One free ticket for yourself and two more for your guests and free childcare for your kids upto two

Gold Package ($500): 

  • Advertisement on our Facebook event announcement.
  • Your company logo on our Website event announcement.
  • Opportunity to hang your banner in the event venue during the event.
  • One free ticket just for yourself

Please send an email to if you are interested in becoming a sponsor to this great event.

10 Kasım

ATASC-SD olarak, Ulu Önder’imiz ve yegane liderimiz Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ü, ebediyete intikalinin 78. yıldönümünde, derin bir saygı, minnet ve kelimelerin kifayetsiz kaldığı bir özlemle anıyoruz.

Bugün, bizlere emanet ettiği yegane mirasımız Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne, canını sayısız kere ortaya koyarak kazandığı vatanımıza, bize ebediyen ışık olacak devrimlerine ve sayesinde bugüne kadar aldığımız her özgür nefese yaraşır bireyler olmayı bir kez daha hatırlamamız gereken gündür.

Ata’mızın dediği gibi…

“Eğer ülkeni kurtaracak bir lider beklemekteysen ben size hiçbir şey öğretememişim demektir.”

Emanetine Türk Gençliği her daim sahip çıkacaktır Büyük Atatürk.

Ruhun şad olsun.