
After establishing the community needs through a survey the Turkish American community started the Turkish School project in 2004. The founding group consisted of people from various backgrounds, and they all brought their own skills and experience from different fields to bring this project to life. After all the preparations were in place, the first day of school was announced and the first semester started on November 7 ,  2004, with high interest from our community.


The school aims to bring Turkish preschool and school children together to teach Turkish as well as our traditions, history, geography, and culture. Our school is a prime example of collective success when a community comes together to work with their hearts and souls to reach a common goal. We want to thank our parents, teachers, and volunteers who all supported our school with their donations, physical work, and countless hours of volunteering at events or other gatherings. ATASC-SD is proud to see continuous support from the Turkish American Community in San Diego County in its various events and projects alike. We expect these projects will strengthen our social fabric as we become a stronger community in the US.


Our most successful project must be the Turkish summer camp at SDSU which has been held for three years. This project is a collaboration between the Turkish School and LARC (Language Administration Resource Center) at SDSU. We would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Yasemin Turan Qian and Norman Leonard, who both brought this project to life.